Foot/cycle way from Eamont Bridge to Yanwath

Currently there is no footway or cycle way between Eamont Bridge and Yanwath village adjacent to the B5320. This is a key missing link, preventing a safe off road walking and cycling link between Penrith and Pooley Bridge. Most of the rest of the route has a footway. The missing link would also allow families to walk to the primary school in Yanwath, which is currently a bit of island without much safe car-free access. 

Why the contribution is important

Safe walking and cycleways reduce car movements and carbon emissions by allowing people to walk and cycle to school, work or leisure. They also improve people's health, improve air quality and reduce traffic noise. Yanwath school receives many students from Eamont Bridge and Penrith, who can only arrive by car due to the lack of this connection. 

by Markh123 on July 09, 2024 at 09:21PM

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